Invitation to Tender for the SIG Domestic Development Bond Series 03/2023 (SIG DDB Series 03/2023). The Solomon Islands Government (SIG) invites tenders for the SIG-backed Domestic Development Bonds for the following terms: TYPE TERM (YEARS) COUPON RATE MATURITY FLOAT VOLUME (SBD) A 15 7.0% 13-July-38 100,000,000.00 B 10 6.5% 13-July-33 50,000,000.00 C 7 5.0% 13-July-30 20,000,000.00 D 5 4.0% 13-July-28 15,000,000.00 E 3 2.5% 13-July-26 10,000,000.00 F 2 2.0% 13-July-25 5,000,000.00 TENDER DATE: MONDAY, 03RD JULY 2023. BIDDING OPENS: Following the posting of this offering announcement. BIDDING CLOSES 12:00 pm, Wednesday, 12th July 2023. SETTLEMENTS DEADLINE: 12:00 pm, Thursday 13th July 2023. Tender must be submitted via email or by hand to: a) CBSI, Debt Unit, or I. Senior Analyst: Doreen Monogari ( II. Domestic Debt Officer: Catherine Viqa ( III. Debt Officer: Donald Mamura ( Market Information The Solomon Islands Government will not impose a cap on rates but provides market information below to act as a guide to current average market rates. Yield (%) Average Commercial Bank Deposits 0.47 28 Days Bokolo Bill 0.24 91 Days Treasury Bill 0.50 182 Days Treasury Bill 1.80 365 Days Treasury Bill 15 Years DD Bond 10 Years DD Bond 7 Years DD Bond 5 Years DD Bond 3 Years DD Bond 2 Years DD Bond 2.10 7.28 6.00 5.43 4.00 3.37 3.28 For further information regarding SIG DD Bonds and the auction process, please refer to the SIG Bond Prospectus and Operational Guidelines on the CBSI website or SIG/MOFT website.