Bokolo Bills are similar to Treasury bills, but are issued by the Central Bank. Bokolo bills have been issued mainly to mop up excess liquidity in the financial system. As the cost of issuing them falls directly on the Central Bank, they have been used sparingly over the years – mostly during periods when it was not possible to issue government securities.
The Central Bank of Solomon Islands wishes to announce the latest issue of its Bokolo Bills. Details of the upcoming auction can be found in the latest offering announcement:
A forward look schedule of the forthcoming auctions for the month ahead can also be accessed here:
For further information about the Bokolo Bills can be downloaded here:
If you require further information, please contact either Daisy Cains or Doreen Lai Monogari on phone 21791 extension 229 or 227
Bokolo Bill Tender – Results
Bokolo Bill Tender Series 8005/2025 as of 20th February 2025.
The Central Bank of Solomon Islands wishes to announce the results of the Bokolo Bill auction which took place on Thursday, 20th February 2025
Target Volume: $215,000,000.00
Term | Total Volume Bid | Total Volume Accepted | WAY (%) |
28 days | $433.00 million | $215.00 million | 0.37% |
a Weighted average yield (based on successful bids)
The next auction of Bokolo Bills is due to take place on Thursday 06th March 2025 with the corresponding offering announcement due to be released on 03rd March 2025.