The Following are official Press Releases by the Central Bank of Solomon Islands.
Press Release: Prudential Guideline on Investment for Solomon Island National Provident Fund
(Honiara 24.03.16) – The Central Bank of Solomon Islands (CBSI) has released another crucial policy guideline on investments with this one focusing more on the operations of the Solomon Islands National Provident Fund (SINPF).
Press Release: New investment guidelines for credit unions
(Honiara 17.03.16) – The Central Bank of Solomon Islands (CBSI) has released a new policy guideline that will help support and safe guard all credit unions seeking to expand and grow their investment portfolios for member’s benefits.
Press Release: NFIT endorse next medium-term strategy
(Honiara 25.02.16) – The National Financial Inclusion Taskforce (NFIT) officially endorsed its next medium - term National Financial Inclusion Strategy (NFIS 2) on Tuesday this week, paving the way for a more concerted and coordinated approach towards broadening and...